📽 The entire national and international film panoply flocks to San Sebastian every #September to attend the most cosmopolitan event of the year: #Zinemaldia or San Sebastian International Film Festival one of the biggest of its kind in Europe alongside the Festival de Cannes and the Venice Mostra…
Here are a few #ideas to make your visit a perfect one! 🥰
➡ https://www.sansebastianturismoa.eus/en/blog/culture/2314-are-you-coming-at-the-international-film-festival-of-san-sebastian
#Zinemaldia #sansebastianfilmfestival #SanSebastian #Donostia #CentroSanSebastian #love_donostia #love_sansebastian Donostia Zinemaldia – Festival de San Sebastián
Autor: San Sebastian Tourism / Donostia Turismoa
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